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Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

(Quickstep vom Hege-Haus x Rosemarie KS vom Hege-Haus)
[D1, S1 (4h - water search without the duck), VGP1 (336 pts – 4h for water search with the duck, Winner of the Search at the Klub Rheinland VGP in Düboslar, Germany), VBR, BTR, KS (perfect scores, Zuchtschau top 20), HDO A-2, HN, Fw: V3.]
November 20, 2009 - January 3, 2023

Dakota Tribute Video

In great sadness we let Dakota go in January 2023. She lives on in our memories and in the prodigy she left behind to carry on her legacy. We were blessed to be hers and we take much comfort in our trust in God and in knowing how much He loves His animals.  Run free sweet girl!


Dakota was a proven DK with outstanding temperament and abilities. At 13 years of age, she had slowed considerably but  in our 2022 hunting season she was still passionate in the field and we bagged many birds with her. During her career, she was all business in the field and water, then turned the switch from a professional hunter to a relaxed, affectionate companion. She was a very special family member, fantastic with people, and with other dogs. Dakota had a very nice medium build, a beautiful coat, and medium colored eyes.


Our "A" litter from Dakota was whelped October 1, 2016 and has, by all accounts, produced extraordinary dogs. Our "B" litter from Dakota was whelped May 8, 2017 from the same pairing, also producing extraordinary dogs. Her grandbabies through Anna with our "C" and "D" Litters are also exceptional. Check out the Litters pages for more information.


​​Dakota had an extraordinary testing career. Her previous owners, Frank and Marianne O'Leary, had the following remarks about her on their web site "Dakota had a perfect testing career in Germany. She completed the Derby, Solms, and VGP by the age of 23 months. Dakota participated in the 2012 Dr. Kleemann Prüfung where she received perfect scores and the title KS."


Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach - 10 1/2 yrs

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach - 10 1/2 yrs

She is a gem!

2022 Pheasant Hunting - Dakota

2022 Pheasant Hunting - Dakota

2022 Pheasant Hunting - Dakota

2022 Pheasant Hunting - Dakota

2022 Pheasant Hunting - Dakota

2022 Pheasant Hunting - Dakota

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Pheasant hunting - 2018

Pheasant hunting - 2018

Jen and Dakota - Fall 2020

Jen and Dakota - Fall 2020

Pheasant hunting - 2017

Pheasant hunting - 2017

Quail hunting - 2017

Quail hunting - 2017

Quail hunting - 2017

Quail hunting - 2017

Quail hunting - 2017

Quail hunting - 2017

Grouse hunting - 2017

Grouse hunting - 2017

Dakota and B Litter

Dakota and B Litter

Dakota and B Litter

Dakota and B Litter

Dakota and B Litter

Dakota and B Litter

Dakota and B Litter

Dakota and B Litter

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Jen and Dakota

Jen and Dakota

Dakota and A Litter

Dakota and A Litter

Dakota and A Litter

Dakota and A Litter

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Chad and Dakota

Chad and Dakota

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach

Dakota KS vom Trocken Bach



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